Does your husband have an expanding waist line and it doesnt seem to be stopping? Do you constantly nag him to cut back on his eating and drinking habits and for him to exercise daily, only to fall on deaf ears? Do you wish their was a service which could do this for you daily?
No, this is not an info commercial.....
The increasing concern of the dreaded
metobolic syndrome has led to a number of services being developed to target this ever expanding market. One of those services called “
Virtual Wife”, a service from, definitely stands out as it incorporates
mobile phones as a means to instruct and communicate with their bulging clients.
Subscribers to the free service can choose from one of four virtual wives, who include...
- a cute café maid,
- a cool S-type analyst,
- a kind motherly nurse, and a
- fashionable gyaru nail artist...

....and you can even pick her name. Users then input their height, weight, and lifestyle habits. Then each day, users receive 4 emails from their virtual wife that include nagging reminders and comments not to engage in unhealthy habits (excessive eating, drinking, smoking....) and suggestions for reaching their target body weight. This is done all in a tone of voice appropriate to the chosen character. The service also includes a “meal management tool” with a space to input a menu and find out how many calories.
As you can see the ubiquitious nature of mobile phones is being incorporated in our lives in more ways than one....and hopefully for a better cause.
Australian Chris
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