The power of social networking, and as previously mentioned
Twitter, are definitely becoming significant driving and detemining factors in not only a company's CRM system but in politics too. With the election of Barack Obama, the Obama team has just launched, outlining some of the President-elect’s agenda, and offering insights of what we might expect from his administration.

The site is an introduction to the successful election and also engages user involvement, that we saw during the campaign with the likes of Election 2008 on Twitter. The site is currently asking users to share their stories from election night and also offers “Submit Your Vision” section and a section where Obama asks “Where should we start together?”.
Additionally, it appears that Obama will be making use of the
Web and
social media to encourage public service and open a channel for a
political CRM system. definitely does point to the Web playing a pivotal role in this aspect of his administration and offers other features including a blog as well as the latest announcements and information for the press.
What is encouraging is to see the President-elect moving quickly to keep his supporters as engaged after victory as they were during the campaign. People may say he is not qualified as a military decision-maker but Barack Obama certainly shows talent and know-how to connect with the masses and use the undeniable power of W-O-M, word-of-mouth.
Australian Chris
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